Sunday, December 8, 2019

Hello again,
Today's blog is about something I had posted on Facebook (that a friend had responded to) and it made me realize I should use it as my next blog posting. 
The fb post was about how today's students (those in college) are not able to distinguish fake news from real news. I responded that I understood this first hand since I had just had a conversation with a college student at a Thanksgiving celebration. 
I also said it was really sad and maddening since he was supposed to be 'learning' but was only parroting falsity about both the candidate he is supporting and Hillary Clinton (oh, her emails!...oh, Benghazi!), citing positive false narratives for his candidate and of course negative ones for Hillary. When I asked him why, if "Hillary is the establishment" (as he gave for one of his base reason(s) as to why he doesn't like her), why didn't "the establishment" embrace her platform, he couldn't answer me. 
So I told him why: Hillary's platform was and still is about changing the 'establishment' and of course the 'establishment' is not about change of any kind, but solely about maintaining the status quo. 
That's when he got this look of omg I didn't think of that and told me that because of our conversation, he was definitely going to do his homework on all current candidates, i.e. look at their voting history and who they associate(d) with as well as actually read their published platforms. 
Hopefully it means he will not be sucked into any more false 'news' about any candidates and instead become a truly knowledgeable informed voter whose vote is based on facts (to help counter all the 'adult' voters who are equally being sucked in emotionally about their chosen candidate)
Democracy is not about being emotional and saving our republic demands that we be rational, intelligent, well-informed citizens who participate in our government and vote based on the facts of who is the best person with overall experience and positive outcomes for the well-being of our republic. 
We as a nation need to separate our emotions from our ability to be critical thinkers. That is the true definition of a patriot.
Sigh...nothing's easy.
Here's to your health and well-being.


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Being thankful...

It's the holiday season and it usually signals a time of stress (for everyone) and depression (for some of us) and platitudes about how we should be grateful. But what exactly does that mean?

Of course we are automatically grateful that we don't have to suffer deprivation in the same way as, say, any other country going through warring, starvation, and any other plague(s) happening around the world. But how exactly do we show our gratitude for that exemption?

Being thankful needs to take action every day. Not just superficial condescending insincere lip service. It's about being there in the moment when someone needs a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, a polite respectfulness and giving of our selves; these are thankfulness in action.

Everyone talks too much, so much, about love and inclusiveness. ACTIONS speak louder than words. I look at my actions everyday and work diligently to make them worthy of love, inclusiveness, and serving others. It's the little things that count. Ahh, platitudes. But with ACTION behind them...

Here's to your health and happiness.


Aha! Finally saying Hello, World...

You know how everyone talks about the 'Universe' letting you know it's trying to help you? And how it's always a question of: how does that happen? Talking with my son today let me see just exactly how that works. 

Opportunities are sly, you have to look at them in the flash of the moment they happen and be quick about grabbing them when they do occur. Then you have to take ACTION and just do it

Writing has been the theme that keeps recurring in my life. That's the Universe telling me over and over that I have that purpose: using my words to be of service to others. 

So, here I am, a 20th century female living long enough to enter into the 21st century with all its glorious technological advantages. The luggage I carry with me into that century will only contain snippets of wisdom, insights to experiences that have made me grow so that now I am able to share the wisdom gained. I hope you enjoy my words.

And finally: 
I am about love, laughter, and living a life worth the time it took to create me. 

Here's to your health and happiness. 
