Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Aha! Finally saying Hello, World...

You know how everyone talks about the 'Universe' letting you know it's trying to help you? And how it's always a question of: how does that happen? Talking with my son today let me see just exactly how that works. 

Opportunities are sly, you have to look at them in the flash of the moment they happen and be quick about grabbing them when they do occur. Then you have to take ACTION and just do it

Writing has been the theme that keeps recurring in my life. That's the Universe telling me over and over that I have that purpose: using my words to be of service to others. 

So, here I am, a 20th century female living long enough to enter into the 21st century with all its glorious technological advantages. The luggage I carry with me into that century will only contain snippets of wisdom, insights to experiences that have made me grow so that now I am able to share the wisdom gained. I hope you enjoy my words.

And finally: 
I am about love, laughter, and living a life worth the time it took to create me. 

Here's to your health and happiness. 


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